[Anaphylactic Shock and In a coma, unconscious from hypothermia, hit by a car]
The three times I nearly died,
For myself have I cried;
Have I even tried.
Setting boundaries and saying “no”
The old ingrained habits of always agreeing-I want to let go.
Healthy relationships will be my focus to nurture and grow.
My own interests and hobbies placed first, a priority I will come to know
Self soothe and effectiveness, second nature I desire them to take hold and sow.
The loss of my mother I will start to grieve
All the pent up emotions, I can not believe
The pain I have been harboring, I will learn to alieve
Memories not lost but held forever, a sense of calm and reprieve
False accusations that were made by mistake
Brought up relenting anger, an intense emotion of which I can not take.
Forgiveness, forgetting, did not partake,
How I wish acceptance I could apply for my sake.
Reliance on others is difficult to face
Having my independence be taken away by health conditions, I can not erase.
The limitations, if only I could predict, affect all time and space.
Now I choose to honor my body, allow it to recover, at its own pace.
By Donna